If you don’t believe in what you’ve been given, who will? The question that’s been floating around in my mind for quite some time now. Too often we have gifts and ideas that we just sit on. We sit on them, waiting for the right time to execute. Or we wait because we don’t feel like we’re not in the right position. Then there are those times where we doubt our gifts, and feel as if it’s not good enough. But is there ever a perfect time to pursue our dreams using what we’ve been given?

These past couple of weeks have pushed my thinking a little further. I’ve been put in situations where I literally had to question if I believed in myself and in my gift enough. The place I’m currently in is not the place I’m supposed to be in, and that has a lot to do with the way I use what I’ve been given. About two weeks ago, I was in conversation via email with someone about an opportunity that I wanted to be involved in for quite some time. The person I was conversing with, went really hard about whether I’m qualified for the opportunity. To be honest, my first thought was to just back down. I then had to tell myself to get it together. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m nowhere near the place that I started. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, and I refuse to allow someone to think that I’m not good enough. After I checked Krystle, I finally replied to the email, not knowing or even worrying about the response I’d get. I then received an email letting me know that the opportunity was mine. 

The only reason I was able to get this opportunity is because I believed in my gift and my ability. I reminded myself of who I am, and what I have. And I stood firm in that, with confidence. Too often we doubt ourselves and possibly allow opportunities to showcase what we have to slip right out of our hands. 

This is one of the post important steps to fulfilling our purpose, believing in ourselves enough to show up. There’s room despite how you feel people perceive you, or despite the negative thoughts that often try to crowd your mind. It’s important that in those moments, you combat it immediately. Positive affirmation, confirming who you are will begin to shift your thinking. 

I wrote a post this week on Instagram that read, “you secure your seat at the table when you show up.” All we have to do is show up. Regardless of the questions, whether others think we have the qualifications or not, and despite the doubt. Allow your belief in your gift to overpower that, and just show up. And this is exactly how your passion will be fulfilled. You’ll go far beyond the place you thought you’d go. You’ll reach far more people you could’ve imagined. All because you dared to believe and show up.

Again, believe in your gift enough to show up! Blessings, 
-xo Miss Jones

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