Hi loves! As promised, I’m back! As I’ve stated previously, I had to take an unexpected hiatus. I’ve been embarrassed about my “moments” in the past and have struggled to write about them. However, I’m human and I realize I’m not the only one. Some people may not want to share. I’m learning to be as transparent as possible, and I’ll be honest and say, I have my moments where I become overwhelmed. I have my moments where I struggle at being consistent. I have my moments where I don’t plan properly. I have my moments where I put too much on myself at once. I have my moments where uncertainty creeps in. 

I know my goal is to help others get out of their ruts and create positive change, but I refuse to pretend that I have it all together. I’ve grown tremendously, but I still fall. These past few weeks have been a tad bit overwhelming for me. It wasn’t extremely major, but I realized I was doing extremely too much all at one time. I became forgetful, wasn’t writing things down as I usually would, forgetting phone calls. And that’s because I was mentally drained. I didn’t give myself enough time to actually just sit and breath. So I took a few days to try to do that. I’ve come to realize, you’re much more effective when you take some time for yourself. Time to just breath. My thoughts were all jumbled because I hadn’t taken time out recently to just breath and be able to sort things out with a clear mind. 

It can be frustrating sometimes when I see myself back in a familiar place, but I’ve learned to celebrate my own growth and progress at the same time. There was a time I’d allowed myself to get to a place where I was mentally depleted and didn’t produce anything for months at a time. Within weeks, I was able to realize where I was and shift it. That’s progress. I refuse to allow myself to stay stagnant. No matter what it takes, I’m determined to move forward. I don’t care what’s thrown up against me, I must find a solution to get out of it. Learning and growing y’all. 

Of course there’s a takeaway in my story for you. Plan to take time for you. Learn to set a proper schedule where you’re not holding yourself accountable for too many responsibilities at one time. Give yourself time so that you can be as effective as possible. Also, it’s ok if you fall off track sometime. Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. But you have to be willing to recognize where you are and come up with a solution for how you plan to get out. And always celebrate your progress! Even if you think it may look small to someone else. Any movement in the right direction is progress! 

Glad to be back. Writing and encouraging is really my passion, can’t see myself ever staying away too long. Appreciate you all for following, look out for more on the way. 

-Miss Jones 😘


  1. Welcome back 🙂 I totally agree with this: “Any movement in the right direction is progress.” And this: “And always celebrate your progress! Even if you think it may look small to someone else.” I started a forum on my website recently (irrationalliving.com/forums/) for people to share their small victories and accomplishments, and give and get encouragement and inspiration. You should stop by 🙂

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