Consistency is key. And even though we are 15 days into the month of May, I’m here to share my experience about the month of April. For those who are just joining, I’ve chosen a word for each month and have decided to share my journey with you all. The word for the year is health. It is my intent to ensure that I become healthy in all areas of my life. January was Alignment, February was Intentional, March was Live, and April was Plant.

The month of April was different. In my head, I had exactly how I wanted it to go. I figured if I plant in these particular areas, there would be this big bloom by the end of the month. As we know, things don’t always go the way we expect them to go. And to be quite honest, by the end of April I was completely in my feelings and low-key stressed. I’d put all of my eggs in one basket and just thought things would be the way I imagined it in my head. It did not quite go that way. But I can say, it was a month of learning and ultimately a month of growth.

To plant means to put or set in the ground for growth, to establish, or to deposit. When we plant seeds or make a deposit, we expect things to happen. Sometimes we expect it to come to us right away. But if we know a little bit about planting, we know that it takes a while for a plant to grow after the seed is planted.We also know that in the growing process, there’s still work to do. We have to ensure that the plant is watered and that it gets sunlight, etc. It never happens right away. When we make an investment, we don’t get a return right away. It takes time.

As I went into this month, I realized, not all of the seeds I was sowing was directed specifically. I didn’t keep in mind that even when we feel like we are doing the right thing when we plant, we may not always get the end result we desired. (at that moment. It may not come at the time we expected, but that doesn’t mean we wont get it right.)

What I do know, is that I took time to plant. I took time to plant seeds for my personal growth, for the growth of my career, business growth, and I made it a point to sow into the lives, businesses, and ministries of others. Be sure to be a blessing to others during your journey. I’m a strong believing of supporting others, but the month of April I had such a tug to support people. Newly started businesses, ministries, and more. I remember the days people would sow into my business, my passion, my dream, and the push it gave me to keep going. People who knew me for years and people who hadn’t known me at all. I knew what it meant for me and I knew I needed to be that for someone else. Our journey is not just for us to win. We’re here to plant seeds in others to see them grow. If we are only concerned about our growth, we aren’t doing something right. It’s a blessing to be a blessing. When you sow seeds elsewhere, it’ll come right back to you. No, we should never do it to receive, but know there is a blessing in it.

At the end of the month of April, I read a devotion and one day so happened to be about sowing. The title is In Due Season with Chidi Wosu. It was all about knowing what you are planting and how different types of plants require different types of preparation. “In the same way, how you prepare for something in one season, may not work for the next season.” Whew! We (I) really think we are doing something when we start to sow and plant, not realizing we are preparing the same way we prepared in the last season. Sometimes we just have to sow differently. Sometimes, we have to prepare differently. We can’t continue to do the same things over and over and expect the next level or season to be different. And just because we haven’t reaped a harvest in one particular area, doesn’t mean we never will. Sometimes we have to just start again. Sometimes we have to just prepare differently. Sometimes we just simply have to keep going, keep trying, and never give up.

This was truly the lesson I’ve learned int the month of April. And despite things not going the way I intended, I’m grateful for the lesson. The lesson produces growth and the will to continue. I have most definitely grown personally, I’m always growing when it comes to my career and my business. And I know the return is coming! In due time. I will say, I’ve been planting in the business area and there are some things on the way! Starting with Take A Moment 2021! Self-care: Peace, Purpose, Pursuit. May 25th-27th.

With all the growth this month, my word for May had to be produce. I had the word for May since March, but now it has a whole new meaning. It’s time to produce, ya’ll. I took the month of April to plant, and now it’s time to produce. I know for sure that the seeds I’ve sown won’t go wasted. Even if it doesn’t come back or grow the way I expected, there will be growth and there will be a return! Ahkay! Again, choose a word and do what it takes to ensure that you do things that are aligned to that word for your month or for your year. Let’s be intentional and make things happen!

~xo Miss Jones

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