It’s quite often that we find that we our hard on ourselves. We are our own biggest critic. We place amazing expectations on ourselves, because we know where we want to be. When we have the awakening of what we’re capable of, we want to always put our best foot forward. We want to reach the standards that we’ve set for ourselves. And sometimes the standards that we believe others have set for us. So we picture what our life is supposed to be. What’s it’s supposed to look like. And how we’re supposed to develop and behave.

As I discussed my life with a personal development and life coach, I expressed how I felt as if I wasn’t necessarily in the place that I felt like I should be in. I shared that I felt as if I could be further along and doing more of what I desire. In my second session this weekend as we continued to talk about what I had previously shared, I said “I feel like it has to look a certain way, and because it doesn’t look that way I just tell myself I’m not there yet.” After being asked to repeat myself, I understood how powerful my own words were. My coach then asked if I felt as if I was putting myself in a box. I then went on to say, “I just have these expectations. They can push you to be better, but they are actually holding me back. Putting me in a box.” In that moment, I realized how my own thoughts, my own expectations, and my own image of what my life should be made me somehow believe that I wasn’t in the place that I was supposed to be in. In certain areas. Or even place me in a box, as if what I imagined is it for me. As if there’s nothing more aside of that image.

After realizing this, I had to also realize that I’m trying to rush the process. Rush my progress, when my image may not be the image set for my life. There are times that we set certain expectations that aren’t meant for us. Or we limit ourselves and hold ourselves back because it doesn’t look the way that we imagined. After thinking a little bit further, I had to say to myself, my process is behind my control. Some things we just dont have control of. Of course we have to take action during our process, but some things we can’t. Possibilities are endless, which means where we end up isn’t always chucked up to our imagination. We end up where we’re meant to end up, in some cases, in places we’ve never imagined.

If you’d asked me years ago where I’d be at this current time, there’s no way I would be able to say my current situation. If things would’ve gone the way I’d imagined, I’d be an accountant. But I would not have been fulfilling my purpose. The place I’m in now, I’m able to fulfill my purpose fully.

I just want to encourage all of you not to limit yourselves by the image you have stuck in your head. Don’t allow your expectations of what your life should be overshadow the endless possibilities that will come your way. Try not to block your destiny and call because you thought your life would go in a different direction. Our image isn’t always the image that is designed for our lives. Be open to removing that picture, in order to break the parameters we’ve places on ourselves. Let’s stay open to taking down that portrait, so that we can step outside of those boundaries and fulfill our purpose successfully and effectively.

-xo Miss Jones

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